June 2, 2022

Do THIS to distribute with Coca-Cola...

Do THIS to distribute with Coca-Cola...

The 100+ Accelerator gives startups $100k and access to the biggest FMCG brands in the world: Coca-Cola, Unilever, ABinBev and Colgate-PalmOlive. Today I talk to 100+ and Chanzi, one of their investments.

Andrew Wallace, co-founder and CEO of Chanzi, traveled to Tanzania in early 2020 for a week. But due to Covid, the borders closed and he was stuck. He decided to make the most out of it and started a company in Tanzania that converts waste into high-quality animal protein. He joined the 100+ Accelerator when he turned a casual business connection into something more serious.

Carolina García Arbeláez is the Innovation Director at ABinBev. She runs the 100+ Accelerator which gives $100,000 non-equity investment to tens of startups each year PLUS access to the biggest FMCG brands in the world: Coca-Cola, Unilever, ABinBev and Colgate-PalmOlive. Apply here: https://www.100accelerator.com/



Andrew Wallace

Carolina García Arbeláez


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Music: Cali by Wataboi