Why your donation page isn't working. Tim Kachuriak explains why.

TL;DR. Your donation page has WAY too much friction.
Tim Kachuriak is the founder of NextAfter, a fundraising research consulting firm. Their research approach is unlike anything I’ve seen in non-profit fundraising. He analyzes where donors get stuck at each stage of the sales funnel and why. On his website there are free eBooks which have in depth case studies that truly changed how I think about fundraising. You’re going to love this episode.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timkachuriak
Website: https://www.nextafter.com/
Donation Page Friction: https://donationpagefriction.com/the-donation-page-friction-study-download/
Mid Level Donor Crisis: https://www.nextafter.com/studies/mid-level-donor-crisis/