April 12, 2022

Wow! 260 startup investments by Somo Africa πŸ‘€

Wow! 260 startup investments by Somo Africa πŸ‘€

Amelia Hopkins Phillips is the Founder & CEO of Somo Africa. Somo Africa is an early stage entrepreneur accelerator based in Kenya helping entrepreneurs get training, get funding and sell their products. Really the whole thing and what I wish I had when I was starting as an entrepreneur. Invested in over 200 entrepreneurs. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amelia-hopkins-phillips-4871988b/

Rosaly Akinyi founder and CEO of Swahili Wear. Swahili Wear makes sandals from recycled tires. Yes recycled tires and from the images I’ve seen the sandals look very stylish. Somo africa made an investment in Swahili wear and we are going to hear more about that today.  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosaly-akinyi-ariwi-b94a5b171/

Swahili Wear: https://invest.somoafrica.org/public/96/Swahili%20Wear

Somo Africa https://www.somoafrica.org/reports/2021-Somo-Annual-Report/

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Music: Cali by Wataboi

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